L. J. Shrum
Professor of Marketing
L. J. Shrum is Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. He holds a Ph.D. in Communications and a M.S. in Advertising from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a B.B.A. in Finance from the University of Houston. He was previously a faculty member at the University of Texas at San Antonio and at Rutgers University. He has also taught at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, has been a visiting scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, School of Business and Management, and has held visiting professor positions at the NYU Stern School of Business, Tulane University, HEC Paris, and University of Sydney.
Research Interests
L. J. Shrum's primary area of research applies social cognition concepts to understand the determinants of consumer judgments. His most recent research has focused on the multiple roles of the self in consumer judgment, particularly with respect to self-threat and its influence on conspicuous consumption and materialism. Other areas of research include cross-cultural differences in self-construal and their relation to such phenomena as reactions to self-threat, impulsive consumption, and socially desirable responding, and in linguistic influences on perceptions.
Google Scholar Profile
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Refereed Journal Articles
Rustagi, Nimish & L. J. Shrum (2024), “A Product’s Connection to Self-Threat Domain Determines Self-Control Impairment Consequences of Within-Domain Compensatory Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, forthcoming.
Fumagalli, Elena, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “The Effects of Social Media Consumption on Adolescent Psychological Well-Being,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 9(2), forthcoming.
Fumagalli, Elena & L. J. Shrum (2024), “Shockvertising: The Effect of Disgust Exposureon Viewers’ Nonconscious Behavioral Responses,” Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, Volume 6, 100172.
Jaspers, Esther, Rik Pieters, Mario Pandelaere, & L.J. Shrum, “Materialism and Life Satisfaction Relations Between and Within People Over Time: Results of a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(3), 591-601.
Lalwani, Ashok K., Lee, Hyejin, Shrum, L. J., & Viswanathan, Madhu (2023), “Men Engage in Self-Deceptive Enhancement Whereas Women Engage in Impression Management,” Psychology & Marketing, 40, 1405-1416.
Shrum, L. J., Elena Fumagalli, & Tina M. Lowrey (2023), “Coping with Loneliness Through Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33 (2), 441-465.
Spielmann, Nathalie, Susan Dobscha, & L. J. Shrum (2023), “Brands and Social Justice Movements: The Effects of True vs. Performative Allyship on Brand Evaluation,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(1), 83-94.
Watson, Karen E., Tina M. Lowrey, L. J. Shrum, & Franco Sassi (2022), “You Are What You Drink: A Case Study of the Drink Up Campaign,” Journal of Business and Economic Policy, 9(3).
Kim, Sukhyun, Kiwan Park, & L. J. Shrum (2022), “Addressing the Cause-Related Marketing Paradox for Luxury Brands to Increase Prosocial Behavior and Well-Being,” Journal of Macromarketing, 42(4), 624-629.
Mecit, Alican, Tina M. Lowrey, & L. J. Shrum (2022), “Grammatical Gender and Anthropomorphism: ‘It’ Depends on the Language,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123 (3), 503-517.
Kim, Sukhyun, Kiwan Park, & L. J. Shrum (2022), “Cause-Related Marketing of Luxury Brands: Nudging Materialists to Act Prosocially,” Psychology & Marketing, 39, 1204-1217.
Fumagalli, Elena, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “Consuming in Response to Loneliness: Bright Side and Dark Side Effects,” Current Opinion in Psychology, 46, Article 101329.
Mecit, Alican, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2021), “COVID-19 is Feminine!: Grammatical Gender Influences Danger Perceptions and Precautionary Behavioral Intentions by Activating Gender Stereotypes,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32 (2), 316-325.
Pogacar, Ruth, Justin Angle, Tina M. Lowrey, L. J. Shrum, & Frank R. Kardes (2021), “Is Nestlé a Lady? The Feminine Brand Name Advantage,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (6), 101-117.
Shrum, L. J., Lan Nguyen Chaplin, & Tina M. Lowrey (2022), "Causes, Correlates, and Consequences of Materialism,” Consumer Psychology Review, 5, 69-86.
Russell, Cristel A. & L. J. Shrum (2021), “The Cultivation of Parent and Child Materialism: A Parent-Child Dyadic Study,” Human Communication Research, 47 (3), 284-308.
Fumagalli, Elena, Marina Belen Dolmatzian, & L. J. Shrum (2021), “Centennials, FOMO, and Loneliness: An Investigation of the Impact of Smartphone Usage During the Initial Stage of the Coronavirus Pandemic,” Frontiers in Psychology, 12, article 620739.
Zhang, Weiwei, Fei Gao, Julien Gross, L. J. Shrum, & Harlene Hayne (2021), “How Does Social Distancing During COVID-19 Affect Negative Moods and Memory?,” Memory, 29 (1), 90-97.
Chaplin, Lan Nguyen, Tina M. Lowrey, Aylla A. Ruvio, L. J. Shrum, & Kathleen Vohs (2020), “Age Differences in Children’s Happiness from Material Goods and Experiences: The Role of Memory and Theory of Mind,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37 (3), 572-586.
Rustagi, Nimish & L. J. Shrum (2019), “Undermining the Potential of Compensatory Consumption: A Product’s Explicit Identity Connection Inhibits Self-Repair,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (1), 119-139.
Pogacar, Ruth, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2018), “The Effects of Linguistic Devices on Consumer Information Processing and Persuasion: A Language Complexity × Processing Mode Framework,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (4), 689-711.
Gentina, Elodie, L. J. Shrum, Tina M. Lowrey, Scott J. Vitell, & Gregory M. Rose (2018), “An Integrative Model of the Influence of Parental and Peer Support on Consumer Ethical Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, Power and Materialism," Journal of Business Ethics, 150, 1173-1186.
Gentina, Elodie, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2018), “Coping with Loneliness through Materialism: Strategies Matter for Adolescent Development of Unethical Behaviors,” Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 103-122.Lee, Jaehoon, L. J Shrum, and Youjae Yi (2017), “The Role of Communication Norms in Social Exclusion Effects,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27 (1), 108-116.
Gentina, Elodie, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2016), “Teen Attitudes toward Luxury Brands from a Social Identity Perspective: A Cross-Cultural Study of French and U.S. Teenagers,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (December), 5785-5792.
Wyer, Robert S., Jr. & L. J. Shrum (2015), “The Role of Comprehension Processes in Communication and Persuasion,” Media Psychology, 18, 163-195.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, Mario Pandelaere, Ayalla Ruvio, Elodie Gentina, Pia Furchheim, Maud Herbert, Liselot Hudders, Inge Lens, Naomi Mandel, Agnes Nairn, Adriana Samper, Isabella Soscia, & Laurel Steinfield (2014), “Materialism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Journal of Marketing Management, 30 (17/18), 1858-1881.
Briley, Donnel, L. J. Shrum, & Robert S. Wyer, Jr. (2013), “Factors Affecting Judgments of Prevalence and Representation: Implications for Public Policy and Marketing,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32, 112-118.
Shrum, L. J., Nancy Wong, Farrah Arif, Sunaina Chugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, Ayalla Ruvio, Kristin Scott, & Jill Sundie (2013), “Reconceptualizing Materialism as Identity Goal Pursuits: Functions, Processes, and Consequences,” Journal of Business Research, 66, 1179-1185.Lee, Jaehoon & L. J. Shrum (2012), “Conspicuous Consumption versus Charitable Behavior in Response to Social Exclusion: A Differential Needs Explanation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39, 530-544.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, David Luna, Dawn Lerman, & Min Liu (2012), “Sound Symbolism Effects across Languages: Implications for Global Brand Names,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29, 275-279. [[Replicated: Baxter, S. & Lowrey, T. M. (2014), International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31, 122-‐124; Kuehnl, C. & Mantau, A. (2013). Same sound, same preference? Investigating sound symbolism effects in international brand names. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30, 417-‐420.]]
Wong, Nancy, L. J. Shrum, Farrah Arif, Sunaina Chugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, Ayalla Ruvio, Kristin Scott, & Jill Sundie (2011), “Rethinking Materialism: A Process View and Some Transformative Consumer Research Implications,” Journal of Research for Consumers, Issue 19.
Shrum, L. J., Jaehoon Lee, James E. Burroughs, & Aric Rindfleisch (2011), “An On-line Process Model of Second-Order Cultivation Effects: How Television Cultivates Material Values and Its Consequences for Life Satisfaction,” Human Communication Research, 37 (January), 34-57.
Lalwani, Ashok K., L. J. Shrum, & Chi-Yue Chiu (2009), “Motivated Response Styles: The Role of Cultural Values, Regulatory Focus, and Self-Consciousness in Socially Desirable Responding,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96 (April), 870-882.
Zhang, Yinlong & L. J. Shrum (2009), “The Influence of Self-Construal on Impulsive Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (February), 838-850.
Liu, Yuping & L. J. Shrum (2009), “A Dual-Process Model of Interactivity Effects,” Journal of Advertising, 38 (2), 53-68.
Lowrey, Tina M. & L. J. Shrum (2007), “Phonetic Symbolism and Brand Name Preference,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (October), 406-414. [[Replicated: Baxter, S. & Lowrey, T. M. (2014), International J. Research in Marketing, 31(1), 122-‐124; Kuehnl, C. & Mantau, A. (2013), International J. Research in Marketing, 30 (4), 417-‐420.]]
Shrum, L. J. (2007), “The Implications of Survey Method for Measuring Cultivation Effects,” Human Communication Research, 33 (1), 64-80.
Briley, Donnel A., L. J. Shrum, & Robert S. Wyer (2007), “Subjective Impressions of Minority Model Frequencies in the Media: A Comparison of Majority and Minority Viewers’ Judgments and Underlying Processes,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 17 (1), 36-48.
Shrum, L. J., James E. Burroughs, & Aric Rindfleisch (2005), “Television’s Cultivation of Material Values,” Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (December), 473-479.
Shrum, L. J. (2004), “The Cognitive Processes Underlying Cultivation Effects Are a Function of Whether the Judgments Are On-line or Memory-based,” Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 29, 327-344.
Lowrey, Tina M., L. J. Shrum, & Tony Dubitsky (2003), “The Relation Between Brand Name Linguistic Characteristics and Brand Name Memory,” Journal of Advertising, 32 (Fall), 7-17 (lead article).
Busselle, Rick W. & L. J. Shrum (2003), “Media Exposure and the Accessibility of Social Information,” Media Psychology, 5 (3), 255-282.
Liu, Yuping & L. J. Shrum (2003), “What Is Interactivity and Is It Always Such a Good Thing?: Implications of Definition, Person and Situation for the Influence of Interactivity on Advertising Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising, 31 (4), 53-64.
Shrum, L. J. & Valerie Darmanin Bischak (2001), “Mainstreaming, Resonance, and Impersonal Impact: Testing Moderators of the Cultivation Effect for Estimates of Crime Risk,” Human Communication Research, 27, 187-215 (lead article).
Shrum, L. J. (2001), “Processing Strategy Moderates the Cultivation Effect,” Human Communication Research, 27, 94-120.
McCarty, John A. & L. J. Shrum (2001), “The Influence of Individualism, Collectivism, and Locus of Control on Environmental Beliefs and Behavior,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 20 (Spring), 93-104.
McCarty, John A. and L. J. Shrum (2000), “The Measurement of Personal Values in Survey Research: A Test of Alternative Rating Procedures,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 64 (3), 271-298.
Shrum, L. J. (1999), “The Relationship of Television Viewing with Attitude Strength and Extremity: Implications for the Cultivation Effect,” Media Psychology, 1, 3-25 (lead article).
Shrum, L. J. (1999), “Television and Persuasion: Effects of the Programs Between the Ads,” Psychology & Marketing, 16 (2), 119-140.
Shrum, L. J., Robert S. Wyer, & Thomas C. O'Guinn (1998), “The Effects of Television Consumption on Social Perceptions: The Use of Priming Procedures to Investigate Psychological Processes,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (4), 447-458. (Finalist, Best Article Award, Journal of Consumer Research); Honorable Mention, Ferber Award, Journal of Consumer Research)
Shrum, L. J. (1998), “The Effect of Television Portrayals of Crime and Violence on Viewers’ Perceptions of Reality: A Psychological Process Perspective,” Legal Studies Forum, Vol. 22, 257-268.
Lowrey, Tina M., Ralph Gallay, & L. J. Shrum (1998), “The Influence of Nutrition Information and Advertising Claims on Product Perceptions,” The Journal of the Association of Marketing Educators, 2 (Fall), 23-37.
Shrum, L. J. (1997), “The Role of Source Confusion in Cultivation Effects May Depend on Processing Strategy: A Comment on Mares (1996),” Human Communication Research, 24 (2), 349-358.
Otnes, Cele, Tina M. Lowrey, & L. J. Shrum (1997), “Toward an Understanding of Consumer Ambivalence,” Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (1), 80-93. Reprinted in Case Study Methods in Business Research, eds. Albert J. Mills & Gabrielle Durepos, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
O'Guinn, Thomas C. & L. J. Shrum (1997), “The Role of Television in the Construction of Consumer Reality,” Journal of Consumer Research, 23 (4), 278-294. (Best Article Award, Journal of Consumer Research; selected for Essential Readings in Marketing, eds. Leigh McAlister, Ruth N. Bolton, and Ross Rizley, Cambridge MA: Marketing Science Institute, 2006; reprinted in Consumer Behaviour, ed. Margaret Hogg, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005).
McCarty, John A. & L. J. Shrum (1997), “Measuring the Importance of Positive Constructs: A Test of Alternative Rating Procedures,” Marketing Letters, 8 (2), 239-250.
Shrum, L. J. (1996), “Psychological Processes Underlying Cultivation Effects: Further Tests of Construct Accessibility,” Human Communication Research, 22 (4), 482-509.
Shrum, L. J. (1995), “Assessing the Social Influence of Television: A Social Cognition Perspective,” Communication Research, 22 (4), 402-429 (lead article).
Shrum, L. J., John A. McCarty & Tina M. Lowrey (1995), “Buyer Characteristics of the Green Consumer and Their Implications for Advertising Strategy,” Journal of Advertising, 24 (2), 71-82.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, & John A. McCarty (1995), “Applying Social and Traditional Marketing Principles to the Reduction of Household Waste: Turning Research into Action,” American Behavioral Scientist, 38 (4), 646-657.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey & John A. McCarty (1994), “Recycling as a Marketing Problem: A Framework for Strategy Development,” Psychology & Marketing, 11 (4), 393-416.
McCarty, John A. & L. J. Shrum (1994), “The Recycling of Solid Wastes: Personal Values, Value Orientations, and Attitudes About Recycling as Antecedents of Recycling Behavior,” Journal of Business Research, 30, 53-62.
McCarty, John A. & L. J. Shrum (1993), “The Role of Personal Values and Demographics in Predicting Television Viewership: Implications for Theory and Application,” Journal of Advertising, 22 (4), 77-101.
Shrum, L. J. & Thomas C. O'Guinn (1993), “Processes and Effects in the Construction of Social Reality: Construct Accessibility as an Explanatory Variable,” Communication Research, 20 (3), 436-471.
Shrum, L. J. & John A. McCarty (1992), “Individual Differences in Differentiation in the Rating of Personal Values: The Role of Private Self-Consciousness,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18 (2), 223-230.
Invited Articles
Shrum, L. J. (2024), “The Metaverse and Consumer Psychology: Introduction to Research Dialogue,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34(1).
Shrum, L. J. (2023), “Causes and Consequences of Missed Opportunities for Prosociality: Introduction to Research Dialogue,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(1), 197-198.
Shrum, L. J. (2022), “Residential Mobility: Implications for Consumer Psychology,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(3), 517-518.
Shrum, L. J. (2022), “The Psychological Underpinnings of False Beliefs: Construction, Updating, Prevention, and Correction,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(2), 357-358.
Shrum, L. J. (2022), “The Psychological Effects of Economic Inequality,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(1), 145.
Shrum, L. J. (2019), “Consumer Behavior as I See It,” in Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, Vol. 7, eds. Michael R. Solomon, Margaret K. Hogg, & Soren Askegaard, London: Pearson Education.
Warlop, Luk & L. J. Shrum (2014), “Utterly Fresh Perspectives on Consumer Research and Advertising: Introducing the Special Issue from the 2013 La Londe Conference,” Journal of Business Research, 67, 1519-1521.
Oliver, Mary Beth, L. J. Shrum, & Peter Vorderer (2006), “Moving On,” Media Psychology, 8 (2), 61-63.
Shrum, L. J., ed. (2012), The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion, 2nd edition, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Shrum, L. J., ed. (2004), The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Dubois, Bernard, Tina M. Lowrey, L. J. Shrum, & Marc Vanhuele, eds. (1999), European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. IV, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
Book Chapters
Hoeger, Laura, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “Ritual Behaviors in a Marketing Context: How Mundane Rituals Influence Marketing Behaviors,” in Rituals, Consumption, and Marketing: A Research Companion, eds. Cele Otnes & Tina M. Lowrey, Routledge, forthcoming.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, Ruth Pogacar, and Alican Mecit (2024), “The Role of Linguistics in Marketing Persuasion,” in Handbook of Social Psychology and Consumer Behaviour, eds. Eric R. Spangenberg and Katie Quinn, Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.
Shrum, L. J., Elena Fumagalli, & Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “Materialism and Conspicuous Consumption,” in Handbook of Social Psychology and Consumer Behaviour, eds. Eric R. Spangenberg and Katie Quinn, Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.
Shrum, L. J., Elena Fumagalli, Elena, & Tina M. Lowrey (2024), “The Efficacy of Self-Repair through Compensatory Consumption,” in Routledge Handbook of Identity and Consumption (2nd ed.), eds. Russell Belk & Ayalla R. Ruvio, New York: Routledge, forthcoming.
Pogacar, Ruth, Alican Mecit, Fei Gao, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2022), “Language and Consumer Psychology,” in APA Handbook of Consumer Psychology, ed. Lynn Kahle/assoc. eds. Tina M. Lowrey & Joel Huber, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 451-470.
Pandelaere, Mario & L. J. Shrum (2020), “Fulfilling Identity Motives Through Luxury Consumption,” in Research Handbook on Luxury Branding, eds. Felicitas Morhart, Keith Wilcox, & Sandor Czellar, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 57-74.
Chaplin, Lan, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2019), “Children's Materialism and Identity Development,” in Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing, eds. Americus Reed II & Mark Forehand, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 434-447.
Rustagi, Nimish & L. J. Shrum (2018), “Materialism: Conceptualizations, Antecedents, and Consequences,” in The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, eds. Tina M. Lowrey & Michael R. Solomon, New York: Routledge, 21-37.
Pogacar, Ruth, Tina M. Lowrey, & L. J. Shrum (2018), “The Influence of Marketing Language on Consumer Perceptions and Choice,” in The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, eds. Tina M. Lowrey & Michael R. Solomon, New York: Routledge, 263-275.
Roche, Sarah, L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2015), “The Aesthetics of Brand Name Design: Form, Fit, Fluency, and Phonetics,” in The Psychology of Design, eds. Rajeev Batra, Colleen Seifert, & Diann Brei, Armonk, NY: M E. Sharpe, 180-196.
Lee, Jaehoon and L. J. Shrum (2013), “Self-Threats and Consumption,” in The Routledge Companion to Identity and Consumption, eds. Russell Belk and Ayalla R. Ruvio, New York: Routledge, 216-224.
Zhang, Yinlong and L. J. Shrum (2013), “Culture and Self-Regulation: The Influence of Self-Construal on Impulsive Consumption,” in The Routledge Companion to Identity and Consumption, eds. Russell Belk and Ayalla R. Ruvio, New York: Routledge, 235-243.
Shrum, L. J. and Jaehoon Lee (2012), “Multiple Processes Underlying Cultivation Effects: How Cultivation Works Depends on the Types of Beliefs Being Cultivated,” in Living with Television Now: Advances in Cultivation Theory and Research, eds. Michael Morgan, James Shanahan, & Nancy Signorielli, New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 147-167.
Shrum, L. J. and Jaehoon Lee (2012), “The Stories TV Tells: How Fictional TV Narratives Shape Normative Perceptions and Personal Values,” in The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion, 2nd edition, ed. L. J. Shrum, New York: Routledge, 147-167.
Shrum, L. J. (2012), “What’s So Special About Entertainment Media and Why Do We Need a Psychology for It? An Introduction to the Psychology of Entertainment Media, in The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion," 2nd ed., ed. L. J. Shrum, New York: Routledge, 1-7.
Shrum, L. J., Min Liu, Mark Nespoli, and Tina M. Lowrey (2012), “Persuasion in the Marketplace: How Theories of Persuasion Apply to Marketing and Advertising,” in The Sage Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in Theory and Practice (2nd ed.), eds. James Dillard & Lijiang Shen, Los Angeles: Sage, 314-330.
McCarty, John A., L. J. Shrum, and Tina M. Lowrey (2010), “Psychographics,” in Green Consumerism: An A-to-Z Guide, Sage Publications, 5 Jan. 2011, http://www.sageereference.com/greenconsumerism/Article_n124.html.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, & Yuping Liu (2009), “Emerging Issues in Advertising Research,” in The SAGE Handbook of Media Processes and Effects, eds. Robin Nabi & Mary Beth Oliver, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 299-312.
Shrum, L. J. (2009), “Television Viewing and Social Reality: Effects and Underlying Processes,” in Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior, ed. Michaela Wänke, New York: Psychology Press, 251-272.
Shrum, L. J., (2009), “Media Consumption and Perceptions of Social Reality: Effects and Underlying Processes,” in Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, 3rd edition, eds. Jennings Bryant & Mary Beth Oliver, New York: Psychology Press, 50-73.
Shrum, L. J. (2007), “Cultivation and Social Cognition,” in Communication and Social Cognition: Theories and Methods, eds. David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen & Jennifer L. Monahan, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 245-272.
Shrum, L. J. & Tina M. Lowrey (2007), “Sounds Convey Meaning: The Implications of Phonetic Symbolism for Brand Name Construction” in Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications, ed. Tina M. Lowrey, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 39-58.
Shrum, L. J. (2006), “Perception,” in Psychology of Entertainment, eds. Jennings Bryant and Peter Vorderer, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 55-70.
Lowrey, Tina M., L. J. Shrum, & John A. McCarty (2005), “The Future of Television Advertising,” in Marketing Communication: Emerging Trends and Developments, ed. Allan J. Kimmel, New York: Oxford University Press, 113-132.
O'Guinn, Thomas C. & L. J. Shrum (2005), “The Role of Television in the Construction of Consumer Social Reality,” in Consumer Behaviour, ed. Margaret Hogg, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Liu, Yuping & L. J. Shrum (2005), “Rethinking Interactivity: What It Means and Why It May Not Always Be Beneficial,” in Advertising Promotion, and the New Media, eds. Marla Royne Stafford & Ronald J. Faber, Armonk, NY: M E. Sharpe, 103-124.
Shrum, L. J., James E. Burroughs, & Aric Rindfleisch (2004), "A Process Model of Consumer Cultivation: The Role of Television is a Function of the Type of Judgment," in The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion, ed. L .J. Shrum, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 177-191.
Shrum, L. J. (2004), “What’s So Special About Entertainment Media and Why Do We Need a Psychology for It?: An Introduction to The Psychology of Entertainment Media, in The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion, ed. L. J. Shrum, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1-9.
Shrum, L. J., (2002), “Media Consumption and Perceptions of Social Reality: Effects and Underlying Processes,” in Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, eds. Jennings Bryant & Dolf Zillmann, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 69-95.
Shrum, L. J. & Thomas C. O’Guinn (1998), “The Role of Television in the Construction of Consumer Reality,” in New Developments and Approaches in Consumer Behaviour Research, eds. Ingo Balderjahn, Claudia Mennicken, & Eric Vernette, London: Macmillan, 53-68.
Lowrey, Tina M., Cele Otnes, & L. J. Shrum (1998), “Consumer Ambivalence: Lessons Learned from Participant Observation in Shopping with Consumers,” in New Developments and Approaches in Consumer Behavior Research, eds. Ingo Balderjahn, Claudia Mennicken, & Eric Vernette, London: Macmillan, 307-320.
Shrum, L. J. & John A. McCarty (1997), “Issues Involving the Relationship Between Personal Values and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Methodology, and Application,” in Values, Lifestyles, and Psychographics, eds. L. R. Kahle & L. Chiagouris, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 139-160.
Shrum, L. J., Tina M. Lowrey, & John A. McCarty (1996), “Using Marketing and Advertising Principles to Encourage Pro-environmental Behaviors,” in Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research in the Public Interest, ed. R. P. Hill, Beverly Hills: Sage, 197-216.
Encyclopedia Entries
Shrum, L. J. (2017), “Cultivation Theory: Effects and Underlying Processes,” in The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects,” ed. Patrick Rössler, Wiley, 1-11.
Shrum, L. J. (2014), “Selective Perception and Selective Retention,” in Concise Encyclopedia of Communication, ed. Wolfgang Donsbach, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Shrum, L. J. (2014), “Perception,” in Concise Encyclopedia of Communication, ed. Wolfgang Donsbach, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
McCarty, John A., L. J. Shrum, & Tina M. Lowrey (2010), “Environmental Consumer Behavior,” in Richard Bagozzi and Ayalla A. Ruvio, Volume Editors, Jadish Sheth & Naresh K. Malhotra, Editors in Chief, Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, Volume 3 – Consumer Behavior, 147-149.
Shrum, L. J. (2008), “Perception,” in The International Encyclopedia of Communication, ed. Wolfgang Donsbach, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 3559-3564.
Shrum, L. J. (2008), “Media Effects on Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs,” in The International Encyclopedia of Communication, ed. Wolfgang Donsbach, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 245-247.
Shrum, L. J. (2008), “Selective Perception and Selective Retention,” in The International Encyclopedia of Communication, ed. Wolfgang Donsbach, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 4551-4554.
Shrum, L. J. (2006), “Advertising and Materialism,” in Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media, ed. Jeffrey J. Arnett, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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